That’s an Atom

“When I spent one Sunday night working on a photograph in our basement laboratory last August, I was admittedly quite pleased with the results.”

That spec in the middle, that’s a single atom. Or, at least the light emitted from that single atom.

A single atom. Photo by David Nadlinger

Photo by David Nadlinger

A bit of clarification from the scientist:

Is this an advance in science? Have single atoms been photographed before?

In short: Not in the least; and yes, probably even before I was born.

Via Colossal

“Google employees demand the company pull out of Pentagon AI project”

I was trying to intelligently respond to this issue, but in reading the comments on the Verge article, I found a rebuttal that is much more concise and well reasoned than anything I could come up with. So here is commenter asarathy’s response:

This attitude is so entitled and naive. Sure, the company should be careful in engaging in out right evil like say identifying which citizens to round up for the Purge, but to act as if there is no place for Google to help in defense of what is their home country is silly. Yes I get they are an international company but they are an American company and there are places where it makes sense to leverage it’s talents for it’s defense.

Details, Details

“Some of our biggest companies have spent almost half their earnings to buy back their own stock, and another third or more to pay dividends. That doesn’t leave a lot left to raise pay or invest in the workers or make new investments to ensure a company’s future success” Clinton said. “These trends need to change.”

via Hillary Clinton Says On-Demand Economy Raises Hard Questions About Workplace Protections | TechCrunch.

And all of them over pay their executives. Is Meg Whitman really worth $20 million? Is she really worth 100 engineers? But that’s peanuts compared to Tim Cook.